După 35 de ani de la căderea regimului comunist, una dintre cele mai puțin cunoscute structuri care au funcționat în cadrul Securității este Întreprinderea de Comerț Exterior Dunărea. Deși s-au format comisii de anchetă, au fost angajați avocați străini, iar istoricii au cercetat arhivele, nici acum nu se cunoaște exact care a fost structura întreprinderii […]
The text indicates an error message displaying "Service Unavailable" likely due to exceeding request limits.
However, the context hints at a story about ICE Dunrea factory, a Romanian factory that supposedly involved money laundering for Nicolae Ceausescu and early Romanian millionaires connected to the Securitate (secret police). The text suggests the story is about the transfer of billions of dollars from the firm's accounts.
Therefore, the main conceptual idea relates to allegations of financial wrongdoing and potentially illicit money transfers connected to this Romanian factory in the communist era.
The text indicates an error message displaying "Service Unavailable" likely due to exceeding request limits. However, the context hints at a story about ICE Dunrea factory, a Romanian factory that supposedly involved money laundering for Nicolae Ceausescu and early Romanian millionaires connected to the Securitate (secret police). The text suggests the story is about the transfer of billions of dollars from the firm's accounts. Therefore, the main conceptual idea relates to allegations of financial wrongdoing and potentially illicit money transfers connected to this Romanian factory in the communist era.